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Ride out the adventures of change

sustainable summer dress

‘Wandering Summer’ 

The mere essence of a season lies in the evolution of one to another. In a process that changes the weather, sky and plants - summer turns withered leaves into blooming petals in a lovely affair with change. Growth and change go hand in hand, whether this is in nature or in life. As we grow, we’re forced out of our comfort zones in a phase of change that pushes us to wander and discover new parts of ourselves: a change of mindset, a change of outlook, a change of goals.

Inspired by the grace of the moon and it’s ever-changing phases, the new Sahana collection brings a refreshed panorama of clothing. Not a single night goes by without the moon changing and re-inventing itself, following a journey of creation and regeneration, and this is the reflection of constant change that this collection hopes to mirror. Created by indigenous artisans using handwoven linen and cotton fabric as we continue to commit ourselves to slow-fashion, the only constant in this collection is the highest of quality under a calming shelter of ethicality. As we are gifted with change along our unique travels, adapting to this change is an opportunity to flourish in the way we know best.

Just like a caterpillar slowly weaves itself in preparation for monumental change into a butterfly, our collection speaks of the delights of change. An eager booster, beaming at it’s seams, change hits the refresh button in life and brings along a fresh canvas with boundless possibilities. We’ve used this canvas to create a fresh palette of silhouettes and colours that breathes new life into old seasons. A collection that elevates comfort through quality, ‘Wandering Summer’ is the buzz of change in the air. It is the delicate whisper of skies turning blue, a change in the season as we welcome softer fabrics and lively pastel colours to be the comfort in waves of change. Ride out the adventures of change with the peace of mind of sustainable and ethical clothing with Sahana.