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Mindful way to enter the holiday season

Mindful way to enter the holiday season

The end of the year brings an inquisitive paradox into our lives. We slow down at work, wrap up our important tasks, in the excitement of going into a period of rest and rewind as the holidays approach. Yet, this slowing down is suddenly met with elaborate task lists, days before we turn a fresh new page on our calendars. 

It’s the season to ‘unwind’, as we read in slogans all around us, but it is also the unspoken season to cram all our social energy into a few weekends. Somehow, ‘the more the merrier’ has become a phrase that attributes and scores to one’s holiday plans. In all this hustle, we need to remember that having fewer gatherings filled with quality conversations and love is far more valuable.

We’re often inclined to count our blessings through the number of presents we exchange. Let’s unlearn spending habits and pay attention to thoughtful gifts, practicing mindful consumption this holiday season. 

Buying from brands that have been purposeful in their sustainable commitment to the planet will not only urge you to spend on quality over quantity, but will also have a positive impact on the environment.  Christmas is the most wasteful time of the year, so instead of an over-used Christmas stocking, think of gifts that don't go out-of-season, or experiences that you can enjoy with loved ones. Growing bonds through gift-giving is the sweet by-product of gifting experiences that generate core memories that last a lifetime. 

Please remember that a busy mind and a busy body reflects on the soul. It’s important to pause and reflect, only still waters run deep! Being able to create boundaries that express your availability is one of the best gifts to give yourself this season. Check in with yourself during your daily rituals and know the signs of being overwhelmed and burn out. 

You will make the most of this festive season if you’re feeling your best, so take care of yourself and have a joyful holiday season with your near and dear ones!